Piecemakers Quilt Guild 41st Annual Quilt Show

Piecemakers Quilt Guild 41st Annual Quilt Show

Friday, June 7, 2024
10:00 a.m. – 4:00 p.m. EST

Saturday, June 8, 2024
10:00 a.m. – 3:00 p.m.

Judged Entries Accepted: June 4th (10 a.m. - 5 p.m.)

Southern Hills Church
1645 S State Road 135
Salem, IN 47167

Local Shops Vending & Demos:
Scrappy Patches - Brownstown
Quilters Corner Cottage - Charlestown
Sewing & Vacuum Authority - Clarksville

Meet Our Featured Quilter, Sue Nay

Sue’s quilting adventure began in 1988 when she took her first quilt class from Dorothy Moss, a skilled and admired Quilter in Salem. That is where she taught the golden rule of quilting, measure twice, cute once and that has stuck with Sue though her years of quilting. Love for sewing for Sue, began with her grandmother who sewed dresses and quilts with her workhorse black Singer. Sue’s favorite quilt from her is tied with
pink flannel backing.

Sue has been in quilt shops in multiple states from Texas to Maine, each having its own quilt assortment. She has also been on bus quilt tours, participated in quilts retreats, and viewed State Fair quilt exhibits. The excitement of seeing the quilts is akin to a child on Christmas morning for Sue. Her favorite quilt pattern is that of scrappy pieces, mixing colors and patterns of fabric.

Sue became a member of the Washington County Piecemakers Quilt Guild 12 years ago, and continues to be astonished by the skill, knowledge, and talent of this community of quilters. After each meeting, she returns home inspired to start on her next project. Her advice to new quilters is to attend meeting and discover what the guild is all about. Sue stated, “We are a common thread!”

Special Quilt Display: Log Cabin Quilts

For More Information:
812-620-4318 or 812-620-0579

Donation Quilt, Guild Challenge, Vendors, demonstrations, and Much More

Admission: $5.00

Event Information

Event Date 06-07-2024 10:00 am
Event End Date 06-07-2024 4:00 pm

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