Arts & Culture
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Arts & Culture
Welcome to the charming small towns of Washington County, where creativity thrives, history is celebrated, and community spirit is alive. Immerse yourself in the arts and culture scene of our historic downtowns, where every street corner tells a story and every storefront hides a treasure.
This mural on the southwest side of the Salem Square is a tribute to our Washington County pioneer ancestors, Beck's Mill, native sons John Hay and Everett Dean. Everett Dean was born in Livonia, Indiana in 1898 and was the first Basketball All-American at Indiana University.
Pictured from Left to Right in the Mural 1) Dr. “Granny" Mary Reid-Lusk - In this locale, for all practical purposes, she had become a Medical Practitioner. During that era, female practitioners were referred to as "Grannies." so Mary became known as Granny Lusk. It is said, during her heyday. Mary would mount her horse and ride as far away as two or three counties, to assist some pioneer medical patient. She was capable of delivering babies, setting broken bones and performing minor surgeries. It's also rumored that she was one of the most crucial contributors, to our county's Underground Railroad Operation, providing medical services for the free ...
Live community theatre for students with several performances each year.